Medal Collections Purchased

Militaria Auctioneers militaria auctions militaria buyer Militaria Buyers Militaria California Sacramento militaria collection for sale Militaria Collections Militaria Colorado Denver Militaria Connecticut Hartford Militaria Dealers Militaria Dealers On The High...

Militaria Auctions

Militaria Auctioneers were once the obvious choice for those wishing to sell their war relics collection. It is worth knowing however that sellers will only receive about 50% of what the buyer pays after the sale …Quite simply the buyer is charged up to 30%...

Museums set to buy Medals and Militaria with veteran provenece

Museums set to buy Medals and Militaria with veteran provenance. War Museums specialising in the second world war both buy and sell duplicated items to us and from us at WW2 . What do they want from us ? Most have more Helmets , Bayonets, Daggers , and other...

Selling you Inherited WW2 Militaria

Selling Inherited WW2 Militaria. If you are selling a grouping of militaria which you have inherited please read on . The obvious approach to sell militaria or any other commodity  is conduct research and learn what specialists are charging and offering. A little...

Militaria On Facebook

  We Are Enthusiastic Buyers Of All Militaria To Include Examples Of The Following.. League Of The Reich For Physical Exercise Proficiency Badges Paying £30.  Civilian Gliding Proficiency Class C Badges Paying £18 Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger/Paratrooper Badge; Cloth...
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