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David Mattey is Online to answer your inquiries and provide obligation free offers for medals and associated “Militaria”

David Mattey the Medal Buyer is a respected dealer with over 30 years experience in the purchasing and marketing of Medals ,Decorations , Arms and Militaria.

David who has worked from his high street premises for twenty years now acts as the sole buyer for a city investment group whilst catering for both advanced collectors and entry level enthusiasts.

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David believes that investors are happy to pay Medal a premium for their expertise, research and unconditionally guaranteed exhibits.

Medal buyers,com are engaged in the purchase of Campaign Medals, Awards, Orders, Decorations , Service Medals and associated “Militaria. If you believe you have already obtained a fair offer David welcomes the opportunity of offering a confidential second opinion.

Call or e-mail today for free independent advice and valuations. please feel free to use the contact form provided. Our offers and valuations both free of charge and confidential.

If you have by your own research, established an asking price or obtained bids from other parties. Please include these in your communications. Medal are not in the business of haggling if we can see modest margin we will advance payment today.

Before consigning medals for sale by auction please be aware that 35%-44% of the total paid by the buyer will be lost to the auctioneer. If you have obtained suggested reserve figures from auctioneers Medalbuyers,com will pay 100% of these immediately.
Contact: David Mattey
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