For Distinguished Conduct

To Achieve The Best Market Prices Fast ! For your Distinguished Conduct in The Field medals. For informed offers/Free valuations  please email   or Call David Mattey Now On 00447860-747027  The Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M) We buy and...

Flying Helmets WW2

Flying Helmets ,Oxygen Masks ,    Welcome to David Mattey of  is a conscientious dealer with over 40 years experience in the purchase and sale of Medals ,Decorations , Arms and Militaria. David who has worked from his high street premises for...

War Relics Purchased

War Relics Purchased .                                                                                                    We Pay By “Paypal” Or C.O.D. Our Offers/Valuations Are Given At No Cost. We Cover Shipping And Provide Advice On Every Stage...

Dealers In Militaria

Dealers In Militaria David Mattey Runs The U.K’s Most Visited Militaria Themed High Steet Shop. “Antiques & Militaria” Is Located Beneath The Famous Arundel Castle In West Sussex . We Rely Exclusively On  And Our Our Five Other...

Valuation Of Nazi Militaria?

Never Sell Militaria At Auction Again ! You Will Obtain A Guaranteed 25%-40% More by selling Directly To . To Calculate the correct market value of Nazi Militaria. Firstly look closely at what you have and establish what it is . Search out other examples...
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