British Medals Specialists

British Medals Specialists

Medal ribbon , Medal Afrika star, Medals 25 Years Faithfull Service. Medal , Second Battalion West Yorks , Medal Africa Star, Medal British Civil Defence, Medal China 1857-1860 , Medal CQM Royal Engineers . Medal Deutschland -Itelen . Medal football Royal Signals .,...

£57,000 paid for Nazi militaria collection obtained directly to the family of the recently deceased collector !

Everybody in busyness makes promises. At WW2 we deliver! Sell To A High Street Store Who Have Customers Who Would not Dream Of Buying Online !” We operate from a traditional High street store. We are known by most dealers and many collectors. we manage...

Do you have a WWII German Badges or other genuine war souvenirs for sale?

Do you have a WWII German Badges or other genuine war souvenirs for sale? Do you have a WWII German Badge or Medal   Are you interest in learning what you have and just what dedicated professionals are willing to pay you for it?.   Are you wishing to achieve a fair,...

Arundel Arms And Armour

Arundel Arms And Armour    Welcome to David Mattey of  is a conscientious dealer with over 40 years experience in the purchase and sale of Medals ,Decorations , Arms and Militaria. David who has worked from his high street premises for the...

S.E.O. For Militaria wordpress

“S.E.O. For Militaria WordPress”    Welcome to David Mattey of  is a conscientious dealer with over 40 years experience in the purchase and sale of Medals ,Decorations , Arms and Militaria. David who has worked from his high...

I want my militaria collection to go to a good home

I would like my militaria collection to go to a good home.    Welcome to David Mattey of  is a conscientious dealer with over 40 years experience in the purchase and sale of Medals ,Decorations , Arms and Militaria. David who has worked from...
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