British Medals Specialists

British Medals Specialists

Medal ribbon , Medal Afrika star, Medals 25 Years Faithfull Service. Medal , Second Battalion West Yorks , Medal Africa Star, Medal British Civil Defence, Medal China 1857-1860 , Medal CQM Royal Engineers . Medal Deutschland -Itelen . Medal football Royal Signals .,...

German Militaria Prices

Buyers Of Military Antiques my father served in the raf Naval War Badges Nazi daggers Nazi Daggers And Knifes Nazi Flag Valuations Nazi hunting cutlass Nazi memorabilia Nazi Memorabilia delers Nazi Valuations orders and decorations orders and decorations. valuation...

How can I sell Nazi items ?

German Motor Sport Award Stickpin , Nazi Women’s League Membership Badge,  A Polish Auschwitz Cross, Norway. A Merit Cross with Swords, Quisling issue, Type II, C.1942 , A German State Soldier’s Association Marksmanship Award , A Signature of SS Panzer...

Guide To Selling Medals

 At   We are always happy to pay correct up to date market prices. Well meaning auctioneers offer sellers hope ,with no guarantee of delivering the result they deserve. By choosing to deal with directly with dedicated professionals sellers retain...

Militaria Sales Talk?

 As our website’s title might suggest we are actively engaged in the acquisition of second world war memorabilia . Our site is frequently contacted by people who have items from WWII they wish to sell . Some seem pleasantly surprised to find their items are...

Diving Helmet By Siebe Gorman Wanted

Formulating a WWII military memorabilia collection may seem like a daunting task . Where do you begin? Who can you trust? What options are open to collectors ? These are  questions collectors are likely to ask themselves.   May I offer some advice every new...
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