Legion Condor, Spanish Civil War 1936-1939,
WW II general decorations,

Decorations of the Wehrmacht Army,
Decorations of the Kriegsmarine,

Decorations of the Luftwaffe,
Foreign volunteers of the Wehrmacht,

German States pre- 1933: Orders and decorations,
German Reich 1871-1918 decorations,
Weimar Republic and Freikorps 1918 – 1933,
German medal bars pre- 1933,
Miniatures of Orders and decorations 1870 -1945,
Foreign Orders and decorations,
Plaques, non-portable medals and decorations,
membership badges and pins 1900 -1945,
III. Reich tinnies and rally badges, WHW,
Insignia of the Waffen-SS, Schutzstaffel,
Insignia of the NSDAP and Organisations
Insignia of III. Reich organisations,
Insignia of the Wehrmacht Army,
Insignia of the Kriegsmarine,
Insignia of the Luftwaffe,
Uniforms III. Reich and World War II,
III. Reich: visor hats, steel helmets, overseas caps,
Edged Weapons Germany 1870 – 1945,
Edged Weapons Foreign,

Highlanders of Canada.

United Kingdom,

Bullion Regimental Badges,

Germany, Heer,

Germany, Kriegsmarine,

Artillery Mechanic NCO Career Sleeve Insignia,



A Pair of Reichsbahn NCO Paygroup Collar Tabs ,

Germany, Ordnungspolizei,

Police Bayonet Valuations

If you have items relating to the Legion Condor, Spanish Civil War 1936-1939, then we are interested in buying them .
at ww2 buyer we stock WW II general decorations, We require combat badges and all
Decorations of the Wehrmacht, Army. U-boat badges are prized
Decorations of the Kriegsmarine,
Decorations of the Luftwaffe include pilots badges and observers badges
Foreign volunteers of the Wehrmacht had arm shields which indicated where they came from in terms of nationality .
German States pre- 1933: Orders and decorations required in any condition .
We have customers waiting for German Reich 1871-1918 decorations and will pay accordingly
Weimar Republic and Freikorps 1918 – 1933,
German medal bars pre- 1933,
Miniatures of Orders and decorations 1870 -1945,
Foreign Orders and decorations,
Plaques, non-portable medals and decorations,
membership badges and pins 1900 -1945,
III. Reich tinnies and rally badges, WHW,
Insignia of the Waffen-SS, Schutzstaffel,
Insignia of the NSDAP and Organisations
Insignia of III. Reich organisations,
Insignia of the Wehrmacht Army,
Insignia of the Kriegsmarine,
Insignia of the Luftwaffe,
Uniforms III. Reich and World War II,
III. Reich: visor hats, steel helmets, overseas caps,
Edged Weapons Germany 1870 – 1945,
Edged Weapons Foreign,


Kriegsmarine Cloth Insignia.

Germany, Reichsbahn,

Germany, Federal Republic,

France, Beret Badges,

France, V Republic,

Regimental Badges,

Colombia, Germany,

South Africa, Insignia,

Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Badges,



Poland, Russia,

European Parachutist Badges,

South Africa


South African Parachutist Badges,

To Request Offers /Free Valuations Please Fill Out The Boxes Provided. Or Send Your email To davidmatteybuyer@gmail.com