U-Boat binoculars
by bunter | Sep 9, 2012 | Binoculars, Blog, Buckles, Caps, collectors militaria, Featured, feedback, German Militaria, Helmets & Headress, Imperial, Japanese, Luftwaffe Daggers, Payment Policy, Portfolio, Price Guide German Daggers, R.A.D.Daggers, Red Cross Daggers, S.A.Daggers, Sell Military Collections, Selling German Swords, SS Daggers, T.E.N.O., U-Boat binoculars, Visit our store, War Souvenirs, We Buy Medals
- uboat binocular values
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U-Boat Binoculars Valuation Service.
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Firstly thank you for taking the time to learn what we can offer to you.
Unlike auctioneers and web based dealers we are not just wholesalers or middlemen.
We host a permanent military exhibition one which is enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year.
If we believe that an item or a collection will enhance our display we will pay you accordingly.
We frequently outbid the collecting community to secure exhibits that will attract and entertain visitors.
We are not always looking for a fast return on our invested money ours is a vocation a lifetime project in the making.
David Mattey (Buyer)
At WW2 Buyer.com we specialize in the buying of individual war souvenirs and collections of all sizes.
Industry Guide Lines For Selling U-Boat relics
Before you invite a “U-boat ” dealer into your home we offer for your consideration the following.
- German Badges prices ranging from $30-$3000
1) Check their credentials .Are they professionals, does their website display a VAT number (U.K.) or a Max Certified Dealer Badge (USA)?.Professional looking websites are now inexpensive to build, they can be operated from an iPhone from inside a prison (Fact), a Summer camp ,Bar, or by school Kids operating from Mum and Dads residential address!.
2) Always get an guide estimate of the likely range of prices they are prepared to pay you. This can be achieved by supplying phonographs first or offering a good description. Do not risk putting your self in the uncomfortable position of being pressured.
3) You should be offered and accept no less than 75% of the market value for your collection or single items.
4) Cash is hard to come by don’t get tricked by a bully who pushes for an appointment to visit you immediately. Before you have prepared exactly what will be going and what your bottom price is.
5) Show absolutely no sympathy to advertisers who claim to be passionate collectors.This is usually criminal deception, advertising is expensive such advertisers are buying to sell on !.
5) Consider contacting a dealer with a main street store a V.A.T. number (U.K.) or one who is a member of a (trade association USA) and who has an established reputation to uphold. Such enterprises have customers waiting and will be able pay the prices you have researched and offer genuine advice.
- German U-boat binoculars valuations price £1200-£5000
Edged weapons and WW2 German memorabilia have been banned from the major internet auction sites such as EBAY.
You may be comforted to know that we at WW2 Buyer.com buy u-boat binoculars exclusively for a vetted circle of responsible academic collectors, museums and historians.
WW2 Buyer.com never condones or promotes the Nazis or any other hate groups!
We believe that the preservation of U-boatbinoculars and other objects (evidence) from mankind’s dark past only has validity within an educational context.
WW2Buyer.com buys U-Boat Binoculars directly from you, therefore you avoid letting auctioneers take a slice of the pie.
WW2 Buyer,com considers that the open display of Nazi symbols outside of a balanced historical collection to be both irresponsible and offensive.
Our Payment Policy is straightforward:
You receive immediate payment for your U-boat binoculars in full. We pay any duty on goods arriving from outside the United Kingdom
German/Axis Binocular &
Precision Instrument Makers Codes Explained
bbw : Electroacustik KG, Kiel
bck : Bruninghaus & Co, Leder u.
Jena, Germany
bmh : K Jirasek Fabrik fur Feinmechanic und Optic, Prague, Czech
bmj :
hHensoldt & Sohne Optische Werke A-G, Wetzlar, Germany
bmk : Srb & Stys Fabrik Praziser Messinstrumente, Prague, Czech
bmt : C A Steinheil & Sohne GmbH, Optische Werke, Munich, Germany
bpd : C P Goerz GmbH Optische Anstalt, Vienna, Austria
bvf : C Reichert Optische Werke,Vienna, Austria
bvu : Franz Kuhlmann,Wilhelmshaven, Germany
bwt : G Heyde K-G,
Dresden, Germany
bxc : Kreiselgerate GmbH, Berlin
bxx : Askania Werke AG, Berlin.
byg : Joh Wyksen K-G Optische Fabrik und Feinmachin, Katowitz, Poland.
bzz : J G Farbenindustrie A-G Camerawerk, Munich, Germany ( Agfa )
cad : Karl Kahles Optiker, Vienna, Austria
cag : Swarovski,Tyrol, Austria
cau : Kodak Aktiengesellschaft,Stuttgart, Germany
ccx : Hugo Meyer & Co Optische und Feinmechanische Werke, Gorlitz, Germany
cdc : Kern, Klager & Cie, Berlin ( binocular Cases )
clb : Dr F A Wohler, Kassel, Germany
clk : F W Breithaupt & Sohne Fabrik Geogatisher Instrumente, Kassel,Germany
cll : August Baumgart Feinmechanik & Prazisionmashinenbau, Rathenow
clm : Biedermann & Czarnikow, Berlin
cln : E Sprenger Optische-Mechanische Werkstatten, Berlin
cmc : Gegr Wichmann, Berlin
cmd : ditto
cme : ditto
cny : C Pose, Berlin ( ? binocular cases )
crg : W Lambrecht, Instrumente, Gottingen, Germany
crh : F Schmidt & Haensch, Steglitz, Berlin
crj : Otto Fennel Sohne K-G, Instrumente, Kassel, Germany
crn : Friedrichs & Co, Hamburg ( see also ctn )
cro : R Fuess, Optische Industrie, Berlin
ctn : Freidricks & Co, Hanseatische Werkstatten fur Feinmechanik und Optik, Hamburg ( see also crn )
cwu : Georg von Kremp, Wetzlar, Germany
cxc : Dr Paul Mozar, Fabrik fur Feinmechanik, Dusseldorf, Germany
cxn : Emil Busch A-G, Optische Industrie, Rathenow
czn : ditto
dag : Oculus, Berlin
ddv : ditto
ddx : Voigtlander & Sohne A-G, Braunschweig, Germany
dho : Nordmark GmbH, Prerau,Czech
dhq : J D Moller GmbH, Wedel
dhv : Berliner Physikalische Werkstatten GmbH, Berlin
djg : J Veltjens K-G, Berlin
dkl : Jos Schneider & Co, Kreuznach, Germany
doq : Deutsche Spielgelglas A-G, Leine, Germany
dow : Opticotechna GmbH, Prerau or Optitechna, Brerau, Czech
dpg : Adox Kamerawerk GmbH, Wiesbaden, Germany
dpv : Zeiss Ikon A-G, Dresden, Germany
dpw : Zeiss Ikon A-G, Goerzwerk Kehlendorf Berlin
dpx : Zeiss Ikon A-G, Contessawerk, Stuggart, Germany
dqc : Eugen Ising, Metallwarenfabrik
dxt : Kadlec-Instrumente-Fabrik, Prague, Czech
dym : Runge & Kaulfuss, Rathenow ( poss also / or dyn )
dys : Heinrich Zeiss, Berlin
dzl : Oigee GmbH optische Anstalt, Berlin
eaf : Aude & Reipert Optische Industrie, Babelsberg, Germany
eaw : R Winkel GmbH Optische industrie, Gottingen, Germany
ejo : Presswerk AG, Essen
eed : Kurbi & Niggeloh, Radevormwa, Germany
ehe : Rommler AG, Spremberg
emq : Karl Zeiss, Jena, Germany
emv : Hertel & Reuss, Kassel, Germany
eoc : A Ott, Instrumente, Kempten
eos : W Feiler Feinmechanik GmbH, Berlin
eot : Fichter & Hackenjos K-G, Fabrik fur Feinmechanik, Villingen
erv : Fritz Hofmann, Erlangen
eso : Rodenstock Optische Werke, Munich, Germany
esu : Steinheil Sohne GmbH, Astronom Industrie, Munich, Germany
eug : Optische Prazisions-Werke GmbH, Warsaw, Poland
fco : Sendlinger Optische Glaswerke GmbH, Zehlendorf, Berlin
fjt : Photogrammetrie GmbH, Berlin
fll : Feinapparate-Bau, Werk Gablonz
flm : ditto Werk Thurn
fln : Franz Rapsch Optische Fabriken A-G, Rathenow
fpr : Fr Moller, Brackwede, Westphalia
frn : Federn-, Draht- und Metallwarenfabrik, Havel
fvs : Spindler & Hoyer, Gottingen, Germany
fvx : Chr Beck & Sohne, Kassel, ( Beck-Kassel ) Germany
fwq : Saalfelder Apparatebau GmbH, Saalfeld
fwr : Optische Anstalt Saalfeld GmbH, Saalfeld, Germany
fxp : Hans Kollmorgen GmbH, Kassel, Germany ( poss also / or fzp )
fzg : Feinmechanik GmbH, Kassel, Germany
gag : F Mollenkopf Optische Industrieanstalt, Stuggart, germany
gcg : H Maihak A-G Fabrik fur Techn. Instrumente und Feinmechanik gerate, Hamburg.
ghd : Carl Kneusel, Zeulenroda/ Thur
gkp : Rufs & Co, Kassel, Germany ( poss also/or ghp )
gmk : Kroymann & Co GmbH, Schuh und Sportartikel Fabrik, Hamburg. Bino Cases
gpa : Groos & Graf, Feinmechanik und Prazisionmaschinenbau, Berlin
gpr : Berchtold, Gebr, Instrumente, Tuttlingen
gug : Ungarische Optische Werke A-G, Budapest, Hungary
guj : Werner D Kuehn Optische Industrie, Steglitz, Berlin
gwr : Dennert & Pape, Hamburg
gwv : Ernst Plank Fabrik Optische und Mechanischer, Waren, Nurenberg, Germany
gxh : Nitsche & Gunther Optische Werke K-G, Rathenow
gxl : Franke & Heidecke, Braunschweig, Germany
gxp : Homrich & Sohne, ?
hap : Max Kohl A-G, Chemnitz
hdv : Optische Werke Osterode GmbH, Osterode, Harz, Germany
hfo : Valentin Linhof OHG, Munich, Germany
hgu : Friedenauer Technische Wekstatte, Berlin
hkm : Carl Braun K-G Optische Industrie, Nuremberg, Germany
hna : Korelle Werke Brandtmann & Co, dresden, Germany
hrw : Hoh & Hahne, Leipzig, Germany
hwt : Ihagee Kamerawerk Steenbergen & co, Dresden, Germany
hxh : A Kruss Optisch-Mechan, Hamburg
jfn : Tetanal Photowerk, Berlin
jfp : Dr Karl Leiss Optische und Mechanische Instrumente, Steglitz, Berlin
jfu : Wilhelm Lehmann & Co K-G, Feinmechanische Werkstatte, Hamburg
jfv : ditto Magdeburg World war two
jkk : L Castagna & Sohn Feinmechanische Werkstatten, Vienna, Austria World War II
jnh : Hensoldt & Sohne but one list shows this code used by F Tutemann of Ludenscheid
jon : Voigtlander-Gavaert, Berlin
jux : Nedinson, Nederlandsche Instrumenten, Venlo, Netherlands
jve : Ernst Ludvig Optisches Werk, Weixdorf, Germany
jxn : Helmut Korth, feinmechanik und Optik, Berlin WW2
kgc : Nahmashinenfabrik A-G, Sobeslav, Bohemia
khc : Otto Himmler, Mikroscope, Berlin
kjj : Askania Werke AG, Berlin
kln : Ernst & Willhelm Bertram, Munich, Germany
kme : Max Lang, Lauter
kna : Berning & Co K-G, Photographische Apparate und Bedarfsartikel, Dusseldorf
kov : Bernard et Turenne, Establissement Barbier, Paris
kqc : Jos Schneider & Co Optische Werke K-G, Gottingen, Germany
krm : C Pose, Berlin ( bino cases only ? )
krq : Emil Busch A-G Optische Werke, Budapest, Hungary
kry : F A Sening, Maschinenfabrik, Hamburg
kwc : Gamma, Feinmechan und Optische Werke, Budapest, Hungary ( poss kwe )
kxv : A Jackenroll Optische Anstalt GmbH, Berlin
lae : Heinrich Zeiss, Gostingen
lfn : C Richter Kamarafabrik, Tharandt, Germany ( Reflekta )
lmg : Carl Zeiss Jena and/or lmq
lux : Schlieper & Baum AG, Wappertal
lwg : Optische Werke Osterode GmbH, Freiheit bei Osterode, Harz, Germany
lww : Huet & Cie, Paris, France
lwx : O.P.L. ( Optique et Precision de Levallois ), Lavallois, Paris, France
lwy : Societe d’Optique et Mechanique de Haute Precision SOM, Paris
mav : H Mailak A-G Fabrik fur Techn. Messinstrumente und Feinmechanik, Hamburg
mbv : I-G Farbenindustrie A-G, Berlin ( Agfa)
mca : Dr C Schleussner Fotowerke GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany
mgf : August Fischer Werkstatten fur Feinmechanik, Gottingen, Germany
mjc : Feinmechanische Werkstaetten Warsitz, Amsterdam, Netherlands
mir : Ducati, Bologna, Italy
mny : Gerhard Hofmann Werkstatte fur Feinmechanik, Berlin
mnz : Erich Holz Feinmechanische Werkstatte, Berlin
mtq : Roland Risse GmbH Photochemische Fabrik, Florsheim, Germany
mtr : Voigtlander & Sohn A-G, Berlin
mtv : A Lorenz Feinmechanik-Optik, Dresden
mtw : ditto
nac : Feinmechanische Zentrale Overbeck, Herborn
ndv : Feinmechanische Werke Neumuhlen GmbH, Kiel
nek : O Perlitz Prazisionmechanik und Apparatebau, Berlin
nmh : De Pleskot & Co, Messinstrumente, Prague, Czech
nms : Richard Holz, Optischmechan. Berlin
npx : Ludwig Rossler Feinmechanische Werkstatte, Munich, Germany
nuj : Schaper & Uebel Feinmechanik, Dresden, germany
nxt : S.A.I. Ottico Mechanica e Rilevamenti Aerofotogrammetrici, Rome
ocp : Aktophot GmbH, Sabechtlitz, Prague, Czech
ocv : W Klazer Feinmechanik und Fotobedarf, Prague, Czech
okc : Hauff A-G, Stuggart, Germany
phq : Moller, Wedel
ppx : Askania, Berlin
pvf : C Reichert, Optische Werk, Vienna, Austria
pwf : ditto
qhg : Moller, Wedel
rln : Carl Zeiss Jena, Germany. after Nov 1944
rtm : Steinheil, Munchen ?
Cultural Changes in the selling of “Militaria”
The ease with which a professional website can now be built is revolutionizing the “Militaria” Industry.
Each day more “Collectors” realize their dreams by listing collections on their very own custom built websites.
What are noticeable effects of this?
In some cases Militaria fairs that were once a must for the collector are witnessing lower attendances :
Getting people through the gates is not the just the problem. The truth is that buyers have invariably spent
their monthly collecting budget “online” from the comfort of their own homes on their P.C.s.
Fairs may eventually serve just to display and promote web site businesses, rather like trade fairs in other industries do .
We still have a generation or two of technophobic dealers and collectors who will insure that militaria fairs limp on..
You may be surprised to know that WW2buyer.com sell to a number of enthusiasts who do not own or have access to a computer . So whilst the revolution is underway traditional eye to eye trading continues.
What can we offer?
Collectors who reject the increases in auctioneers commission rates come to us to enjoy
the confidential disposal their collections.
Access to the internet is provided for vendors in our store so true market values can be easily established.
An average collection of one hundred items can typically be sold to us at the correct trade price in just twenty minuets.
WW2Buyer.com is embracing changes by liaising with the major ethical websites and undertaking much of their buying Leaving them to focus on the selling. WW2 Buyer.com believes that understanding the heritage/ entertainment industries and reenactment culture has been key to our survival .
By investing in our own Museum displays our store now attracts thousands of visitors who are happy to pay a little more for our researched guaranteed original merchandise.
If you are a postal customer and decide to sell to WW2buyer.com you will be selling to a big Vat Registered store situated beside one of the most visited tourist attractions:
You will receive payment to your “Paypal” account to include all shipping expenses before you are expected to ship (Safe!):
You will receive the trade prices you have reached without dealing with five hundred emails from a dozen virtual dealers
with no reputation to uphold.
We have a good general knowledge of all antique militaria and are willing to learn from you if you have specialized in obscure items.
Call today of email some group images of you collection and receive a deal that you will like.
WANTED/PURCHASED.Hitler Youth Leader
Insignia SectionJapanese Section
Luftwaffe Gravity WANTED/PURCHASED.
KnivesLuftwaffe Daggers – 1st Model WANTED/PURCHASED.
Midperiod & Late Luftwaffe Daggers
Naval Daggers – 1st & 2nd WANTED/PURCHASED.
ModelNaval Dirks – Imperial & Weimar WANTED/PURCHASED.
NPEA Daggers.NationalsozialistischesKraftfahrkorps WANTED/PURCHASED.
Police Bayonets – 3rd Reich WANTED/PURCHASED.
Police Bayonets -Clamshell WANTED/PURCHASED.
Weimar & 3rd Reich WANTED/PURCHASED.
Water ProtectionPostal Protection Daggers WANTED/PURCHASED.
Red Cross SectionReference Books – Original Dagger Catalogs WANTED/PURCHASED.
Reference Books – OtherReference Books – Period & Out Of Print
WANTED/PURCHASED.Reichsluftschutzbund (RLB)WANTED/PURCHASED. DaggersReichsarbeitdienst (RAD) Daggers WANTED/PURCHASED.
Sturmabteilung (SA) Daggers WANTED/PURCHASED.
Schutzstaffel (SS) Dagger SectionSS & Police Degens WANTED/PURCHASED.
SS Honor Rings & Other JewelrySS Röhm Daggers WANTED/PURCHASED.
Full Partial & Ground WANTED/PURCHASED.
Swords – Eickhorn WANTED/PURCHASED.
Swords – Imperial & Weimar
Technische Nothilfe (TeNo)Daggers WANTED/PURCHASED.